Feature of Facebook : Are you “Interested In” really

[mkd_highlight background_color=”” color=”red “]manisha shah [/mkd_highlight]
Today I came with another thought which is also a newer patch of old version about “Interested In” feature of Facebook.
So what could be the idea of putting this field in Facebook form for profile creation.
As Iam not social media marketing specialist and I really not able to apprehend exact reason of putting this feature.
Even thinking from user friendly perspective from company side about it that by checking one of the option you would get your desired customized set of friend requests so this is confirm that there is no recommendation kind of algorithm used nowadays in many online applications to cater user attention being applied in it.
Then I thought its just a fun kind of field yet sensitive as it really attracts mind of person sending and though while accepting the requests.
Today the point of discussion is basically lingering around Indian perception on this feature as we are not on interested on what other countries think as they have huge amount of confidence and acceptability of what they are. But being an Indian who is part of society whose upbringing is done differently compared to other countrues which is combination of family values and on either side is also in pressure of progressing towards west to fit in that culture also it becomes really important to portray his thoughtprocess. He is the part of society who is leadership based and even follower based made out of fear for its own actions.
So I need to ask this question to all reading this what was the first thought that clicked your mind when seen this field .And also is this was the last thought and you would have opted one of the option or both with confidence and no doubts of have just ignored it.This question also become relevant to people ranging from teens to people who are single till getting married.
I tried to create some of the scenarios while choosing the options being progressive youth and holder of values too.
a. For instance if men checks the feature Interested in : women .
He could have that taboo developed in mind for some seconds that people might not feel that he might have player kind of attitude or if he would have checked another option then people might not misjudge him that he have straight kind of attitude and vice versa for females too who are most conscious in such scenarios being part of society where they are still struggling for their right goal and in the thoughtprocess of what they are really meant to be in.
2. Another question that stuck my mind for instance if men checks the option interested in : women then why other men needed to sent request randomly. They must review the likings and dislikings before sending the request.
Also if men really interested in women as option being checked then why every another women cries in the name of women empowerment.
3. Also this could be the reason that platform trying to extract perception of people of India for other interest which may be another concern of security and so it has also become responsibility of every Indian to prevent integrity of data being showcased in such platforms.
So at the end its been seen by me after some random sampling of some profiles that some youth have checked the given options with confidence which shows their huge acceptance behaviour and some haven’t checked any and its basically seems as balancing approach towards dealing with this field.
So I think the feature must be customized more from Indian perspective as “Friendship with” rather “Interested in” because friendship has nothing to do with gender and its above anything and the feature could just be considered as a source of knowing about happenings, success stories, thoughtprocess of friends added regarding any issues and to fetch better insights.
Either it could be declared as a dating platform or being customized more according to user preferences specific to him/her straightaway as we are part of that society where you are being constantly judged on every step you take and you can’t just ignore it too.
Its not any plea against ability of choosing just it’s a thought and everybody holds here a freedom to express their thoughts.
#Being expressive #Being modest.