Destitute woman reunited with family at Chattisgarh after 35 years of missing

“ Persecution and violence against women in the families brings trauma and consequently displacement is forced on them.” As per the National Crime Records Bureau “ Around 4 lakhs cases of crime against women were registered during 2019 ( latest available data) Majority of crime against women are due to ‘cruelty by husband or his relatives’ followed by ‘assault on women with intent to outrage her modesty and these women often end up in mental disturbance who are ultimately thrown out of their homes.
UdavumKarangal, a 40 year old ,social service organization, founded by Mr. Vidyaakar, a Trained Social Workers, has helped many such women who are destitute and are roaming on the streets aimlessly after having been disengaged by their family , abused by unknown persons and even remain pregnant. Such women numbering around 2300 ( men including 5430) have been rescued, rehabilitated and successfully reunited with their families to more than 26 of Indian States and even to some European countries like, Germany, Netherlands, Austria, etc. ( Please visit .
Now again, UdavumKarangal (UK) , have made possible one such reunion of a woman who has been its resident for the past 28 years. Mythrin was resucedon 14thNovember 1995by UdavumKarangal (UK) while she was aimlessly roaming on the streets at Avadi, outskirts of Chennai. She did not knew Tamil and so could not communicate where she came from. A Well-wisher of UK referred her to be sheltered for her safety and security. Ever since 1995 she has been a resident of UK, was provided good foodand dresses. Since she was happy enough she never wanted to go back Home and so did not reveal about where she came from or about her relatives.
Now that she has expressed willingness to go back Home she revealed the name of village as Deori. Mr.SrinivasaRao, ( Ph: 9940188012) a Social worker and an expert in tracing out missing families was entrusted the job of finding out the family of Mythrin. He immediately contacted some 4-5 persons in the Village and circulated her Photo in Whatsapp. Someone of these people posted her photo in the Facebook and she was immediately identified by her sister’s brother in law Mr.DilipYadav ( Phone 8085056181) and was confirmed by her sister Gurubari ( Phone 8269722199) who was living in Deori Village, Raigarh District, Chattisgarh Pin code 496 001.
Ms.Gurubari, sister revealed the details of Mythrin. Both her parents have died. Her father married twice and Mythrin was the eldest daughter and had a younger sister by name Kara who now lived in neighbouring village. His father’s second wife had 4 children andGurubari was one of them. Mythrin was married at the age of 20 even at which point of time she had some mental sickness. One such day her husband tied her to a tree in the village all night and some of the local people untied the rope and left her free. From that day, 35 years back, she went missing and her husband got separated and migrated to Orissa after that.
The sister, Gurubari and brother in law came to UdavumKarangalon 28th November 2023 and received her with all happiness. Her sister informed us that Mythrin has been missing for the past 35 years and couldn’t believe that she was still alive. She said that Mythrin has also a share in the father’s property house and she will be living there when she goes back to Deori Village in Chattisgarh. But Mythrin having enjoyed a happy living in UdavumKarangal for the last 28 years was feeling a bit sad as she was getting separated from her long time friends at UK.
Both of them thankedMr.VidyaakarFounder of UdavumKarangalfor the reunion of Mythrin. She was given one month’s psychiatric medicine and asked to contact UK in case of any medical help.
Contact Phone Number of Mr.Vidyaakar : 9940188011